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California - USA
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Brand: ISUMO 49763-6N20A
Aftermarket high premium quality
Electrical Connector EC1002 (Pigtail Wiring Harness) of Power Steering Pressure Switch |
Quantity: 1 ========= Part# PSS76 =========== Cross-reference |
575353K000 57535-3K000 PSS76 1S12089 |
PS768 ELP0076 GT7610-184/2 GT7184/2 ========= Specifications:
Features & Benefits: Made with high quality material and componentry Constructed to withstand an engine environment High quality construction for durability ================================= Características y beneficios: Hecho con material y componentes de alta calidad. Construido para soportar un entorno de motor Construcción de alta calidad para mayor durabilidad. ==================================== 機能と利点: 高品質の素材とコンポーネントで作られています エンジン環境に耐えるように構築 耐久性のための高品質の構造 Kinō to riten: Kōhinshitsu no sozai to konpōnento de tsukura rete imasu enjin kankyō ni taeru yō ni kōchiku taikyū-sei no tame no kōhinshitsu no kōzō ================================================ |